Enterprise in Coastal West Sussex

A27 Improvements


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A27 Improvements


Lorem ipsum plopsum klopsum dipsum sipsun dipsun plonksun itsum katsum jatsum watsum yatsum pipsam.

A27 Improvements


Lorem ipsum plopsum klopsum dipsum sipsun dipsun plonksun itsum katsum jatsum watsum yatsum pipsam.

Entrepreneurship & Business formation will secure the long term economic growth of CWS. Business formation per 100,000 residents is currently lower in CWS, with the exception of Chichester, than across West Sussex or the South East.

There is a growing need to take a long term view that high levels of business creation are essential for a sustainable future. It is important that every young person in schools, FE colleges and HE institutions are exposed to entrepreneurship.

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