Young people in Coastal West Sussex could be suffering because of educational inequality according to a recent report from the Education Select Committee. It reveals that coastal areas are bearing the greatest burden of educational inequality, compared with other parts of the UK. The findings highlight that white working class children are being significantly outperformed by their wealthier peers and other ethnicities.

The report is backed up by last year’s GCSE figures which reveal that only 38 per cent of poorer pupils (those eligible for free school meals) achieved 5 good GCSEs including English & Maths compared to 64 per cent of their wealthier peers.

Fortunately, action is already being taken in our area by the Coastal West Sussex Skills and Enterprise Group. It is headed up by key stakeholders and organisations with an interest in delivering learning and skills to young people. 

As part of its 2013-2016 strategy and future work programme for the Coastal West Sussex Partnership, the Skills and Enterprise Group is tackling low levels of enterprise and rising levels of youth unemployment. The aim is to embed enterprise into the curriculum and provide more apprenticeships and work related training opportunities.