An updated proposal has been received by Adur District Council from New Monks Farm Development (a subsidiary of Brighton & Hove Albion FC) regarding the New Monks Farm site in Lancing.

Illustrations of the New Monks Farm development (revised plans)

As well as creating 600 new homes and an IKEA superstore, the proposal also includes planned creation of a new roundabout on the A27, a country park, school and community hub.

The proposal submitted last summer has recently been updated (after listening to feedback), adding revised IKEA drawings, including a green roof, changes to the north elevation of the IKEA building, improvements to the River Adur footpath and revised residential drawings.

Public consultations are now open until 25th June for local residents and businesses to have their say.

With such positives, covering new homes, jobs, community facilities, infrastructure and the introduction of a new Country Park, the Coastal West Sussex Partnership supports the new development.

“The New Monks Farm development supports the aspiration outlined in Adur’s Local Plan and is of significant and strategic importance for the coastal economy because of the homes and jobs it will create,” Caroline Wood, director of the Coastal West Sussex Partnership explains.

The whole development will include the delivery of 600 new homes- of which 30% will be affordable -, 875 new jobs, new community facilities including a new primary school and community hub, new infrastructure including pedestrian and cycle footways that will improve access across the area and importantly create a new link from the coast to the South Downs National Park, create a new junction on the A27 which will open access to Shoreham Airport and deliver broad flood and drainage solutions, plus create a new 28 hectare Country Park – utilising an area that is not currently accessible to the public.

“The new IKEA development is also welcomed as it will bring employment opportunities for over 400 people across all job levels, from shop floor and warehousing to managerial levels and an Apprenticeship Programme to encourage the next generation into employment. The store will attract people from outside the area to come and visit, creating an opportunity to entice these visitors to see other areas of the coast beyond IKEA.

“We welcome the exciting development and the opportunity for further consultation on this large scheme.”

To view the plans for the New Monks Farm development and have your say, please click here.